Have you ever wondered what may be left behind, even after a professional cleaning? ATP testing can help verify that an area is truly clean of living organisms that can cause negative health issues. Adenosine triphosphate, or ATP, is the main unit of energy in all living organisms. The presence of ATP indicates the presence of living cells.
ESI offers ATP Cleaning Verification, where an environmentalist will be present during the professional cleaning process to ensure an acceptable protocol is being followed. Once an area is professionally cleaned, a swab culture is taken on a highly touched surface (such as doorknobs and handles) and inserted into a calibrated device. The results will show what levels of ATP remain on the surface.
Any representative surface with unacceptable levels will be identified for re-cleaning and retested until the desired level of cleanliness is achieved. This ensures the cleaning protocol is effective in reducing microorganisms on touch-point surfaces.
COVID-19 surface samples can be collected and sent to a CLIA certified and CAP accredited Biosafety Level 2 Lab (BSL-2) for Polymerase Chain-Reaction (PCR) Analysis.